Monument Valley Wiki

The Oubliette is the seventh appendix in the Monument Valley expansion Forgotten Shores.


  • Step on the button.
  • Wind around to get to the second button.
  • Step on the second button.
  • Enter the door at the bottom.
  • Rotate the view so you can hit the button.
  • Rotate to reveal Ida.
  • Enter the door at the top.
  • Use the pool in the center to spin Ida around to the top door.
  • Enter the door.
  • Walk up the stairs and step on the next button.
  • Walk onto the black platform and rotate until you can reach the next button.
  • Step on it.
  • Rotate the lever to the right until the water level is as low as it will go.
  • Walk back onto the black platform and continue rotating until you reach a yellow room.
  • Step on the button on the button.
  • Rotate the middle platform so Ida is facing the east wall and the long part is facing away.
  • Enter the door.
  • Enter the next door in the pink room.
  • Walk through the bottom door now.
  • Keep rotating to find a tree.
  • Keep spinning until it is grown.
  • Step on the button.
  • Pull the top of the level downwards to reveal the end of the level.
  • Complete the level.


  • This chapter's BGM is "The Oubliette".