Monument Valley Wiki
Monument Valley Wiki

⚠️ Spoiler Warning! ⚠️
This page contains spoilers for the story or gameplay of the third game, Monument Valley 3. It is recommended that you complete the game before reading.

Noor's mentor is an important figure in Monument Valley 3, first appearing in the first level, where she reveals that Noor has been an apprentice under her for some time. Her goal is to maintain the Lighthouse's beacon.


The woman is faceless and pale white, dressed in light pink and magenta robes with a tall, flourishing magenta cap, her cap forked in the middle and slightly reminiscent of Ida's Crow Queen cap from the first game.

Monument Valley 3[]

Throughout conversations with Noor, she reveals that her mission is to keep the Lighthouse burning bright and make sure the waters are safe for sailors. She is haunted with guilt by the boats that have been lost in the past. For a few chapter, she and Noor travel together to capture light in her staff and then feed the Lighthouse's glow with it. In the temple, however, things begin to go wrong, and Noor's mentor urges Noor to go on without her. She passes her staff onto her, entrusting Noor with her mission.

Later on, Noor's mentor reappears as a spirit, reassuring Noor that she is doing the right thing by finding a new, natural source of light.
