Monument Valley Wiki
Monument Valley Wiki

⚠️ Spoiler Warning! ⚠️
This page contains spoilers for the story or gameplay of the third game, Monument Valley 3. It is recommended that you complete the game before reading.

In which a new friend wakes in calm waters

In-game description of Noor meeting Boatem

The Boatem is a totem pole-turned boat used by Noor to sail through watery chapters in Monument Valley 3. The third game's equivalent to Totem and Doortem, Boatem marks the series' introduction to the sailing mechanic.


Boatem first appears as a tan totem pole with darker brown designs in it, seemingly carved of wood with a twig and leaf still attached.

Once transformed into a boat, Boatem is brown, its mast a tree and its sail appearing to be a large yellow leaf. Boatem's eye remains, now on the sail.

Monument Valley 3[]


Boatem's first form

In Monument Valley 3, Boatem first appears in The Hidden Fens. For a small portion of the level, Boatem behaves like totem poles from other Monument Valley games- Noor can stand on it to reach high spots.

Soon after, however, Boatem enters a giant flower, which closes around it; when the flower blooms, Boatem emerges as a boat that Noor can now sail on. Throughout the game, Noor travels across watery chapters by use of Boatem. After each chapter, regardless of if Boatem was used in it, a cutscene plays where Noor is seen sailing back to the Lighthouse atop Boatem.

In The Torrential Parting, after the Lighthouse is destroyed and villagers are lost at sea, Noor rescues some stranded townspeople on Boatem. The quartet is swallowed by a giant fish on their way back to the Lighthouse, and solve puzzles inside of it to eventually escape.

Once the first ten chapters are completed, Noor is able to sail around freely on Boatem to explore the village surrounding the Lighthouse.
